1 minute read
September 20, 2014

ACA Exhibition wins the “Prix de la Presse International” at Saint Just le Martel (International Press Prize)

From Christophe Granet:

Dear All,

I am extremely proud to announce the ACA’s exhibition of all your amazing artwork has won the “Prix de la Presse International” at Saint Just le Martel (International Press Prize). We have a nice trophy we’ll hand over officially to the ACA Board at the 2014 Stanley Awards on the weekend of the 14th and 15th of November at the Menzies Hotel in Sydney.
If you are in Sydney, and you were part of the exhibition, get your photo taken with the trophy!
Congratulations to all of you who have sent artwork and to the ACA!
PS: We’ve made the papers a few times and I am keeping the clippings. I’ll scan and send to all when I am back to Sydney…


Congratulations on organising such a successful exhibition, Christophe! Well done to all exhibitors.