Year | Category | Winner |
2016 | Most Outstanding Contribution to Journalism | Bruce Petty |
2016 | Best Artwork | David Rowe |
2016 | Best Cartoon | Mark Knight |
2015 | Best Artwork | Safdar Ahmed |
2015 | Best Cartoon | David Pope |
2014 | Best Artwork | Eric Lobbecke |
2014 | Best Cartoon | Ron Tandberg |
2013 | Best Artwork | Pat Campbell |
2013 | Best Cartoon | Cathy Wilcox |
2012 | Best Artwork | Steven Grice |
2012 | Best Cartoon | Andrew Marlton |
2011 | Best Artwork | Simon Bosch |
2011 | Best Cartoon | David Rowe |
2010 | Best Artwork | Eric Lobbecke |
2010 | Best Cartoon | Mark Knight |
2009 | Best Online Journalism (multimedia) | Maroondah Leader team |
2009 | Best Artwork | David Rowe |
2009 | Best Cartoon | Peter Nicholson |
2008 | Best Artwork | Simon Bosch |
2008 | Best Cartoon | Jon Kudelka |
2007 | Best Artwork | Sturt Krygsmann |
2007 | Best Cartoon | Cathy Wilcox |
2006 | Best Artwork | Karl Hilzinger |
2006 | Best Cartoon | Alan Moir |
2005 | Most Outstanding Contribution to Journalism | The Australian Cartoonists Association |
2005 | Best Artwork | Eric Lobbecke |
2005 | Best Cartoon | Andrew Dyson |
2004 | Best Editorial Graphics and Design | The Australian Design and Graphic Team |
2004 | Best Artwork | Andrew Dyson |
2004 | Best Cartoon | Mark Knight |
2003 | Best Editorial Graphics and Design | Simon Pipe |
2003 | Best Artwork | Sturt Krygsman |
2003 | Best Cartoon | Mark Knight |
2002 | Best Information Graphics or Digital Photo Illustration | Bill Farr |
2002 | Best Artwork | Greg Bakes |
2002 | Best Cartoon | Bill Leak |
2001 | Best Information Graphics or Digital Photo Illustration | SMH Olympics |
2001 | Best Artwork | John Spooner |
2001 | Best Cartoon | Matt Golding |
2000 | Best Information Graphics or Digital Photo Illustration | Paul Leigh, Will Pearce & Gary Smart |
2000 | Best Artwork | Sturt Krygsman |
2000 | Best Cartoon | Alan Moir |
1999 | Best Information Graphics or Digital Photo Illustration | Will Pearce |
1999 | Best Artwork | Donna Maegraith |
1999 | Best Cartoon | Jenny Coopes |
1998 | Best Information Graphics or Digital Photo Illustration | Will Pearce |
1998 | Best Artwork | Tony Edwards |
1998 | Best Cartoon | Rod Clement |
1997 | Best Information Graphics or Digital Photo Illustration | Viki Sizgoric |
1997 | Best Artwork | Bill Leak |
1997 | Best Cartoon | Ron Tandberg |
1996 | Best Illustration | Suzanne White |
1996 | Best Cartoon | Bill Leak |
1995 | Best Illustration | John Shakespeare |
1995 | Best Cartoon | Bill Leak |
1994 | Best Illustration | John Spooner |
1994 | Best Cartoon | John Spooner |
1993 | Best Illustration | Eric Löbbecke |
1993 | Best Cartoon | Bill Leak |
1992 | Best Illustration | Peter Nicholson |
1992 | Best Cartoon | Peter Nicholson |
1991 | Best Illustration | Peter Nicholson |
1991 | Best Cartoon | Dean Alston |
1990 | Best Illustration | Bill Leak |
1990 | Best Cartoon | Earl Budden |
1989 | Best Illustration | Bill Leak |
1989 | Best Cartoon | Jenny Coopes |
1988 | Best Illustration | Paul Best |
1988 | Best Cartoon | Matthew Martin |
1987 | Best Illustration | Bill Leak |
1987 | Best Cartoon | Geoff Pryor |
1986 | Best Illustration | Ward O’Neill |
1986 | Best Cartoon | Ron Tandberg (also awarded the Gold Walkley) |
1985 | Best Illustration | Jenny Coopes |
1985 | Best Cartoon | Ron Tandberg |
1984 | Best Illustration | Ward O’Neill |
1984 | Best Cartoon | Paul Zanetti |
1983 | Best Illustration | John Spooner |
1983 | Best Cartoon | Ron Tandberg |
1982 | Best Illustration | Ward O’Neill |
1982 | Best Cartoon | Peter Nicholson |
1981 | Best Illustration | Geoff Pryor |
1981 | Best Cartoon | Patrick Cook |
1980 | Best Illustration | Neil Moore |
1980 | Best Cartoon | Ron Tandberg |
1979 | Best Illustration | David Bromley |
1979 | Best Cartoon | Ron Tandberg (also awarded the Gold Walkley) |
1978 | Best Illustration | David Cox |
1978 | Best Cartoon | Stewart McCrae |
1977 | Best Illustration | Patrick Cook |
1977 | Best Cartoon | Ron Tandberg |
1976 | Best Illustration | George Haddon |
1976 | Best Cartoon | Ron Tandberg |
1975 | Best Illustration | George Haddon |
1975 | Best Cartoon | Norm Mitchell |
1974 | Best Illustration | George Haddon |
1974 | Best Cartoon | Larry Pickering |
1973 | Best Illustration | Larry Pickering |
1973 | Best Cartoon | Alan Langoulant |
1972 | Best Illustration | Theo Batten |
1972 | Best Cartoon | Larry Pickering |
1971 | Best Illustration | Richard Sealey |
1971 | Best Cartoon | Larry Pickering |
1970 | Best Press Artwork | Lawrence Green |
1970 | Best Illustration | George Haddon |
1970 | Best Cartoon | Aubrey Collette |
1969 | Best Press Artwork | Charles Altmann |
1969 | Best Illustration | Arthur Boothroyd |
1969 | Best Cartoon | Paul Rigby |
1968 | Best Press Artwork | Gary John Turner |
1968 | Best Illustration | Charles Thompson |
1968 | Best Cartoon | Cedric Baxter |
1967 | Best Press Artwork | Bruce Begg |
1967 | Best Illustration | John Petersen |
1967 | Best Cartoon | Frank Benier |
1966 | Best Press Artwork | Arthur Hudson |
1966 | Best Illustration | Arthur McNeil |
1966 | Best Cartoon | Paul Rigby |
1965 | Best Press Artwork | Arthur Hudson |
1965 | Best Illustration | Arthur McNeil |
1965 | Best Cartoon | Les Tanner |
1964 | Best Press Artwork | Bruce Begg |
1964 | Best Illustration | Arthur McNeil |
1963 | Best Press Artwork | Arthur Hudson |
1963 | Best Illustration | Arthur S. Boothroyd |
1963 | Best Cartoon | Paul Rigby |
1962 | Best Press Artwork | Rudolph Charles Altmann |
1962 | Best Illustration | James G. Phillips |
1962 | Best Cartoon | Les Tanner |
1961 | Best Press Artwork | Bruce Begg |
1961 | Best Illustration | Arthur S.Boothroyd |
1961 | Best Cartoon | Paul Rigby |
1960 | Best Press Artwork | Bruce Begg |
1960 | Best Illustration | J.G. Phillips |
1960 | Best Cartoon | Paul Rigby |
1959 | Best Press Artwork | Rudolph Charles Altmann |
1958 | Best Press Artwork | Rudolph Charles Altmann |
1958 | Best Cartoon | Virgil Reilly |