Winners of the Walkley Awards for Australian Journalism

Year Category Winner
2016 Most Outstanding Contribution to Journalism Bruce Petty
2016 Best Artwork David Rowe
2016 Best Cartoon Mark Knight
2015 Best Artwork Safdar Ahmed
2015 Best Cartoon David Pope
2014 Best Artwork Eric Lobbecke
2014 Best Cartoon Ron Tandberg
2013 Best Artwork Pat Campbell
2013 Best Cartoon Cathy Wilcox
2012 Best Artwork Steven Grice
2012 Best Cartoon Andrew Marlton
2011 Best Artwork Simon Bosch
2011 Best Cartoon David Rowe
2010 Best Artwork Eric Lobbecke
2010 Best Cartoon Mark Knight
2009 Best Online Journalism (multimedia) Maroondah Leader team
2009 Best Artwork David Rowe
2009 Best Cartoon Peter Nicholson
2008 Best Artwork Simon Bosch
2008 Best Cartoon Jon Kudelka
2007 Best Artwork Sturt Krygsmann
2007 Best Cartoon Cathy Wilcox
2006 Best Artwork Karl Hilzinger
2006 Best Cartoon Alan Moir
2005 Most Outstanding Contribution to Journalism The Australian Cartoonists Association
2005 Best Artwork Eric Lobbecke
2005 Best Cartoon Andrew Dyson
2004 Best Editorial Graphics and Design The Australian Design and Graphic Team
2004 Best Artwork Andrew Dyson
2004 Best Cartoon Mark Knight
2003 Best Editorial Graphics and Design Simon Pipe
2003 Best Artwork Sturt Krygsman
2003 Best Cartoon Mark Knight
2002 Best Information Graphics or Digital Photo Illustration Bill Farr
2002 Best Artwork Greg Bakes
2002 Best Cartoon Bill Leak
2001 Best Information Graphics or Digital Photo Illustration SMH Olympics
2001 Best Artwork John Spooner
2001 Best Cartoon Matt Golding
2000 Best Information Graphics or Digital Photo Illustration Paul Leigh, Will Pearce & Gary Smart
2000 Best Artwork Sturt Krygsman
2000 Best Cartoon Alan Moir
1999 Best Information Graphics or Digital Photo Illustration Will Pearce
1999 Best Artwork Donna Maegraith
1999 Best Cartoon Jenny Coopes
1998 Best Information Graphics or Digital Photo Illustration Will Pearce
1998 Best Artwork Tony Edwards
1998 Best Cartoon Rod Clement
1997 Best Information Graphics or Digital Photo Illustration Viki Sizgoric
1997 Best Artwork Bill Leak
1997 Best Cartoon Ron Tandberg
1996 Best Illustration Suzanne White
1996 Best Cartoon Bill Leak
1995 Best Illustration John Shakespeare
1995 Best Cartoon Bill Leak
1994 Best Illustration John Spooner
1994 Best Cartoon John Spooner
1993 Best Illustration Eric Löbbecke
1993 Best Cartoon Bill Leak
1992 Best Illustration Peter Nicholson
1992 Best Cartoon Peter Nicholson
1991 Best Illustration Peter Nicholson
1991 Best Cartoon Dean Alston
1990 Best Illustration Bill Leak
1990 Best Cartoon Earl Budden
1989 Best Illustration Bill Leak
1989 Best Cartoon Jenny Coopes
1988 Best Illustration Paul Best
1988 Best Cartoon Matthew Martin
1987 Best Illustration Bill Leak
1987 Best Cartoon Geoff Pryor
1986 Best Illustration Ward O’Neill
1986 Best Cartoon Ron Tandberg (also awarded the Gold Walkley)
1985 Best Illustration Jenny Coopes
1985 Best Cartoon Ron Tandberg
1984 Best Illustration Ward O’Neill
1984 Best Cartoon Paul Zanetti
1983 Best Illustration John Spooner
1983 Best Cartoon Ron Tandberg
1982 Best Illustration Ward O’Neill
1982 Best Cartoon Peter Nicholson
1981 Best Illustration Geoff Pryor
1981 Best Cartoon Patrick Cook
1980 Best Illustration Neil Moore
1980 Best Cartoon Ron Tandberg
1979 Best Illustration David Bromley
1979 Best Cartoon Ron Tandberg (also awarded the Gold Walkley)
1978 Best Illustration David Cox
1978 Best Cartoon Stewart McCrae
1977 Best Illustration Patrick Cook
1977 Best Cartoon Ron Tandberg
1976 Best Illustration George Haddon
1976 Best Cartoon Ron Tandberg
1975 Best Illustration George Haddon
1975 Best Cartoon Norm Mitchell
1974 Best Illustration George Haddon
1974 Best Cartoon Larry Pickering
1973 Best Illustration Larry Pickering
1973 Best Cartoon Alan Langoulant
1972 Best Illustration Theo Batten
1972 Best Cartoon Larry Pickering
1971 Best Illustration Richard Sealey
1971 Best Cartoon Larry Pickering
1970 Best Press Artwork Lawrence Green
1970 Best Illustration George Haddon
1970 Best Cartoon Aubrey Collette
1969 Best Press Artwork Charles Altmann
1969 Best Illustration Arthur Boothroyd
1969 Best Cartoon Paul Rigby
1968 Best Press Artwork Gary John Turner
1968 Best Illustration Charles Thompson
1968 Best Cartoon Cedric Baxter
1967 Best Press Artwork Bruce Begg
1967 Best Illustration John Petersen
1967 Best Cartoon Frank Benier
1966 Best Press Artwork Arthur Hudson
1966 Best Illustration Arthur McNeil
1966 Best Cartoon Paul Rigby
1965 Best Press Artwork Arthur Hudson
1965 Best Illustration Arthur McNeil
1965 Best Cartoon Les Tanner
1964 Best Press Artwork Bruce Begg
1964 Best Illustration Arthur McNeil
1963 Best Press Artwork Arthur Hudson
1963 Best Illustration Arthur S. Boothroyd
1963 Best Cartoon Paul Rigby
1962 Best Press Artwork Rudolph Charles Altmann
1962 Best Illustration James G. Phillips
1962 Best Cartoon Les Tanner
1961 Best Press Artwork Bruce Begg
1961 Best Illustration Arthur S.Boothroyd
1961 Best Cartoon Paul Rigby
1960 Best Press Artwork Bruce Begg
1960 Best Illustration J.G. Phillips
1960 Best Cartoon Paul Rigby
1959 Best Press Artwork Rudolph Charles Altmann
1958 Best Press Artwork Rudolph Charles Altmann
1958 Best Cartoon Virgil Reilly